Amazon Listing Pricing
Standard Listing
Bullet Points
HTML Description
Search Terms
Keywords Used List
Advanced Listing
Bullet Points
HTML Description
Search Terms
Keywords Used List
+ Negative Search Terms

Parts of an Evergreen Amazon Listing
"Words are the model, words are the tools, words are the boards, words are the nails." —Richard Rhodes
We aggregate our keyword data from multiple sources: Brand Analytics, Helium 10, SEMRush, Amazon auto-complete, Google Analytics, competitor's listings and back end keywords search terms.
The title of your listing is crucial for SEO because Amazon places the most weight on it. While the character limit varies by category, most allow up to 200 characters. This provides ample space to catch the shopper's eye from the SERP with top keywords and include product details.
Bullet Points
The bullet points are highly visible on most listings. Use them to convince your customers that your product fits their needs. How? We'll answer their purchase dependent questions using data from product research and reviews.
Product Description
Only the most important product information and sales language makes it into your bullet points. The rest should be described in Amazon's product description field. In this 2000 character space, we elaborate on the many features and benefits your product has to offer.
Negative Search Terms
We set you up for success with a list of negative keywords for current or future ad campaigns. Starting an advertising campaign without negative keywords is like lighting a match in a barn full of haybales: It consumes your ad spend with non-converting clicks.
Back End Search Terms
The search terms field is a great location to place misspellings, synonyms, and related terms. There are 250 available characters, but it's not necessary to use the entire space. Overfilling with less relevant words is detrimental.
Keyword Search Data
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